Yuk Lun’s Story
Yuk Lun graduated with a certificate in “Design and Desktop Publishing” from The Shine Skill Centre (Pokfulam). His symptoms started at the age of 4, and he was later diagnosed with “Idiopathic Torsion Dystonia”, which has caused muscular stiffness in both limbs, varying degrees of pain, difficulty in controlling voluntary movement, weak self-reliance abilities, and the need to use a wheelchair to assist mobility. Despite certain restrictions on his bodily movement, he is positive, optimistic, and does not shy away from challenges. He loves drawing and photography. Some of his artwork and photography has been exhibited and he has won a Golden Prize in the Art Competition for Social Inclusion. He has given numerous speeches and shared his story at schools, inspiring other handicapped students to reach for the stars and pursue their dreams even in the face of adversity, just like he did.
Sharing by Dr. Suzannie LEUNG

We are honored to have Dr. Suzannie LEUNG serve as the honorary judge for “Sports without Limits” Coloring Competition 2021. Dr. LEUNG is an Assistant Professor of Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is an arts educator and researcher. She has engaged in arts education curriculum and research in early childhood education, arts-based programme design for gifted children and curatorial work of early childhood art exhibitions. Currently, she is a specialist of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) in the areas of Education and Arts, Design and Performing Arts.
Sharing by Dr. Suzannie LEUNG:
Jockey Club “Sports without Limits” Youth Empowerment Programme has long been committed to advocate for an inclusive society in Hong Kong. Children and youth with disabilities should enjoy equal opportunities to participate in physical activities regardless of age, sex, disability type, and ability. This competition not only offered a chance to embrace children’s creativity from different schools but also facilitate their parent-child relationships. I am impressed by the terrific works of the students. Their support of inclusive education and the passion for sports were reflected in their works. Students made good use of various visual elements. Colors and tones were being well considered. Some of them also performed gradient colors well when doing the coloring. These showed how capable the students are when they tried using assorted skills to present their own styles aesthetically. The colorful paintings also revealed how imaginative and creative the students are. They drew novel and original details on top of the given picture, e.g. they created new characters, backgrounds and compositions thoughtfully. I can feel so much positive energy and the joyful imaginations from their design. Apart from that, the idea of using color-filling software is highly appreciated. It’s going to be a good start to the new era with digital arts.