Fun Day 2022

Announcement of Results. Congratulations to all winners! Thank you very much for your kind supports.

To promote regular physical activity and social inclusion, we welcome all schools to join!

Date:28 May, 2022 (Saturday)
Time:2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Target:Students, parents, teaching staff

Theme:To promote regular physical activity and social inclusion
Content:Online video games and quiz challenge

Best Performance Awards for top TEN students (each with HK$300 sports gift coupon and a certificate)
Merit Awards for top 11th – 100th students (each with HK$100 sports gift coupon and a certificate)
Most Supportive School Prizes for top FIVE schools with the most participation % (each with HK$1,000 sports gift coupon, a flag and a certificate)

*Each participant will receive a certificate for participation and a souvenir*